The obligatory annual predictions post, 2024 edition
I’m actually not a fan of the tech industry’s tradition of winter prognostications. It’s a weird combination of throwing darts, shoehorning guesses into the “but a clock is right twice
I’m actually not a fan of the tech industry’s tradition of winter prognostications. It’s a weird combination of throwing darts, shoehorning guesses into the “but a clock is right twice
Farhad Manjoo, opinion writer for The New York Times, recently published a column titled “It’s the End of Computer Programming as We Know It. (And I Feel Fine.)” in which
A number of financial institutions over the past decade have implemented voice-based authentication on their customer service phone systems. Call in and at some point you’ll be asked to say,
Perhaps not deep thoughts…but thoughts, nonetheless, on the apple of everyone’s eye in February 2023: Microsoft’s AI-assisted Bing chat. (Cue subtle jab at Siri.) This is why we can’t have